Bathroom remodeling is a great way to provide your home with a new look without the high cost of moving into a new home. However, there are some common remodel mistakes that you want to avoid if you want your bathroom renovations to be successful.
In order to give your bathroom a renovation that enhances its function and appearance, it’s important to think about what you really want out of the renovation. You also need to be realistic about the budget you can spend and stick with it.
Some people make the mistake of not taking into account their bathroom’s functionality before they begin the project. This can lead to an overall design that doesn’t take into account features such as plumbing or electrical wiring. Another common problem is undertaking a total remodel that is more extensive than the money or time allows. It’s much better to plan smaller projects in stages that can be completed over time.
Mixing styles – It’s generally a bad idea to mix styles in design. For example, if you are doing a Victorian style bathroom, don’t have the art deco faucet or vice versa.
Using shoddy building materials – While there are many great building materials out there, a lot of them have been known to fail unexpectedly. If you’re going to build your own bathroom, make sure you only use quality materials and hire an experienced contractor.
Poor lighting – Lighting is one of the most important factors in any bathroom. Make sure that your new bathroom has ample lighting so that you can see everything clearly.
Toilet placement – Make sure that the toilet is positioned in a way where people can walk around it easily and safely. Additionally, try not to place it under windows where it might be exposed to direct sunlight all day long.
When it comes to bathroom remodels, the most common mistake people make is not planning and budgeting for their project thoroughly. When considering a remodel, you need to consider every aspect of your bathroom; from the tiles on the wall to the faucet in the sink, things need to be thought out and planned carefully. Your bathroom should not be an after thought but rather a focal point of your home that you want to be proud of. Below are some other common mistakes you can avoid when planning a bathroom remodel
Trying To Do It All On Your Own: One of the biggest mistakes people make when planning a bathroom remodel is trying to do too much themselves. Sure you can change out your shower heads, install new faucets and even tile and paint but if you are going to do all this yourself, you will save money but also time and energy! If you are planning on doing your own remodel, make sure you don’t bite off more than you can chew. In the end, it is just not worth it and will only end up costing you more in the long run.