8 Golden Safe Driving Tips For Fleets

Aside looking out for speed bumps such as speed bumps San Diego, another subject that should be a constant reason for awareness among fleet drivers is the good practices of safe Driving. These are simple attitudes that, if adopted by drivers, can significantly reduce the occurrence of accidents.

See below 8 tips to always be on drivers’ minds

1 – Always check the condition of the vehicle before leaving.

2 – Pay extra attention when driving and in low visibility situations such as nights or fog.

3 – Always drive with prudence and obey the signs;

4 – The speed must be compatible with the regulations, the weather conditions, the traffic, and the road.

5 – Keep a safe distance between vehicles, and always signal your intentions.

6 – The shoulder is intended for emergencies, transit of Police Vehicles, emergency medical care vehicles, rescue vehicles, and mechanical assistance.

7 – Respect the pedestrian cyclist and the motorcyclist. The minimum lateral distance for cyclists is 1.50 m.

8 – Pay attention to urban areas, incredibly close to schools, footbridges, bus stops, accesses, and places where pedestrians gather and move around.

Types of Safe Driving

Safe Driving is also commonly called Defensive Driving. It has two modalities: preventive and corrective. Here’s what characterizes each of them:

Preventive Driving

Preventive Driving is ideal and recommended. It is characterized by an attentive attitude on the part of the driver who can anticipate risk situations, that is, to predict what may happen based on observation. This type of Driving does not require much skill from the driver and is considered low-risk. For professional drivers, this type of Driving can be improved through qualifications and training to apply recycling to fleet drivers.

Corrective Direction

Corrective steering must be applied to remedy an unforeseen situation not anticipated by the driver. It requires a lot of driving skills and is considered high risk. Corrective steering is always the last option and is often performed using a reflex that, to be the most suitable for a given emergency, depends on the driver’s cunning and experience. This type of reaction to danger can be practiced through training using driving simulators.

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